
Fire Water Cinnamon Schnapps

Fire Water
Hot Cinnamon Schnapps
White Rock Distilleries
50% Alcohol (100 Proof)

Ahh memories...

There was a time when I was younger where I was known for bringing Firewater to parties.  
Pretty much every party.  
All the time.  
It was my cheap booze of choice (before I knew any better).  Nothing seems to liven up a party like people daring one another to take shots of Firewater.  This stuff is known for burning, not just from the 100 Proof alcohol content, but also from the intense hot cinnamon flavor.  It really does warm you from the inside which seems perfect on a snowy, freezing night when you're outside for whatever reason.  Which remind me of a story...

There was this girl I was dating that I took to the drive-in movies with a few of my friends.  The usual drive-in antics ensued.  The thing is, it was seriously cold that night and the girl kept saying she was "freeeeezzzzing!"  So, of course, being the gentleman I am, I offered her a swig of my Firewater straight from the bottle, explaining that it would warm her up.  And I was serious, I wasn't just trying to get her drunk...  She declined initially, but then changed her mind when she realized it may actually work.  She tries it and almost coughs on the intense cinnamon and alcohol, then reports that it actually worked and she is feeling warmer.  This continues throughout the course of the two movies, with her drinking the bulk of the bottle straight, which was probably not the best idea, but at least she did feel warmer.  On the way taking her back home, I had to pull over so she could puke, which sucked for both of us, but was better than her puking in my car.  But to make a long story short, Firewater kept her feeling toasty warm... and we eventually got married and had kids...  The moral of the story is that drinking Firewater may lead to marriage and/or having kids, in no particular order.  
True story.

Firewater, itself, pours a thick, viscous, red color and smells of strong cinnamon and raw alcohol.  You take a sip (most likely a shot, actually) and get bombarded with corn-syrupy sweetness, spicy cinnamon across your tongue, cinnamon smells clearing your sinuses, and harsh, astringent alcohol flavors, but a pleasant warming sensation that you can feel slowly oozing down your throat and into your gut.  This warming feeling lasts for quite some time in the pit of your stomach, different from any other booze I've tried, which is really quite interesting, all things considered.  I'm sure it could be used in a cocktail somehow, but the only thing I've ever mixed it with is hot apple cider. 

This liquor is harsh, hot, overly sweet, yet pleasantly warming.  I rarely drink it anymore, but it certainly still has potential to liven up a party or make you feel warm on a cold evening! 

Drink This: if you want an over-the-top, hot cinnamon schnapps to liven things up.
Don't Drink This: if you're looking for something classy.   This ain't that.



  1. Bwhahahaha! My mother have some sugary cinnamon-tasting feet!

  2. I am drinking Fire Water from a fancy glass right now in attempt to be classy, but it's not going well.

    Great story, btw.

    1. In the words of the Stranger in The Big Lebowski, "I like your style, Dude."

      Gotta love drinking cheap, funky booze from a fancy glass. Personally, I think nothing beats a big red wine glass or a brandy snifter to really bring out all those harsh alcohol flavors inherent in the nasty shiz...

  3. The other brands of cinnamon schnapps are for the sissy's! This stuff is the best! When I'm starting to get a scratchy soar throat I take two shots of this before bed, sleep like a baby and wake up feeling brand new. Also works great around hunting camp to stay warm!

  4. SI I came home last night w my gf, to find my step brother in a mood I've never seen him in.... Immediately I was beyond annoyed with the way he was talking to me, my gf, and her 9 year old son!!! He even blocked me from picking up items that had fallen on the floor while unpacking. His behavior was unlike I HAVE EVER SEEN and he drinks quite often!!! Well, today after he got home from work, we gently confronted him about his behaviors the previous night, especially his attitude, the way he spoke at me and my friend and most especially how he spoke to and around her young son...we informed him that her son was and tally afraid of him and asked that he not come back after work!!! Let's just say my brother was BEYOND surprised, ashamed and humiliated when he heard not even half of what he had done while under the influence of Fire Water!!! If he drinks this EVER again and comes to my home (as he is living w me now), I will have his ass arrested!!! :-\

  5. This is very very good. The best way to drink it by chilling it vigorously in a shaker then pouring into a glass. Goes down smooth. But watch it, cause it can bite you.

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  9. I can't find firewater anywhere and it's the only thing I like to drink. Can anyone help please?

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  11. But do you remember the story on the back? We used to take this camping and after a shot or so pass the bottle around and see who could read the story in the most demonic voice.

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